Growing your email list is one of the best things you can do for your business. We spend around 28% of the workweek reading and answering emails. So the last thing anyone wants is MORE emails without a good reason.

However, building that elusive engaged email list is about quality over quantity. You’re not just trying to gather as many email addresses as you can — you have to create a high-quality group of subscribers who are interested in you and interact with your brand regularly.

So, how do you start growing your email list? One of the most important ways is by creating an engaging and interesting incentive. A few incentive ideas that work well include:

  • A discount code (10% off, free shipping offer)

  • A fun quiz

  • An email course

  • A free e-book or resource

A free incentive is more likely to help you get subscribers than just inviting them to sign-up for a newsletter. Once you have a great incentive in place, you can use some of the following tactics to start building your list:

1. Include sign-up forms throughout your website

Website visitors don’t always end up on your home page – so make sure your including a sign-up button on every page of your website – blog, services page, about page and contact us, for example. Make it easy for anyone who subscribes to do so! Another great way to get people to subscribe to your email list is via a simple pop-up form – on entry, exit or after scrolling.

2. Direct your Instagram traffic to sign-up

Instead of just linking to your homepage, link to an email sign-up form specific landing page. Also, consider promoting sign-up once a week on your Instagram feed and Instagram Stories. If you have the swipe up feature on Instagram Stories, you can use it to link to that landing page as well.

3. Run a contest

Social media contests can boost your engagement rate and help you gain new followers – they can also help you grow your email list. And the only real cost is what you’re giving away!

4. Persuade them with copy

It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it too. Everyone’s telling people to sign up for their email lists—what makes yours special? Some copy tactics include using humour, demonstrating the value they will receive and tailoring your content to your audience.

5. Nurture them with an email sequence

Once you start to build your list, the most important part will be keeping them engaged and active. We’ve found one of the best ways to do this is by having subscribers enter a nurturing email sequence upon sign-up. Nurturing is all about building relationships and providing value – telling them a story and taking them on a journey with you and your brand. Your email flow should be customer-centric, not always a sales-pitch and should be constantly improved – not just set on auto-pilot. Make sure you don’t leave your flow running for long periods without analysing its performance!

This stuff IS NOT easy. Luckily for you, we’re experts! Whether you need some concrete social media strategies to encourage email sign-up, or design and implementation of an email nurturing sequence, we’ve got you! Get in touch and we can talk all things email and how we can help you soar!
